

The website itself

Creative Commons Licence

"TechnoSparks" website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

This means that you can do anything with the content that originates from this site, be it its source code, design language, images and other content only if it is created by me. However they are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes unless permitted. This license does not include the contents that are not from the website.

Third party contents are not licensed with the above license and are subject to their own License agreement.

Accept the small explanation with a grain of salt. Please read the full license to understand the copyright implications on the contents of this website.

Other contents

Other contents those which are not purely from this website should be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted.

"Other contents" is a property of a third-party and is used in this website whether as a reference, simple mentioning, quotation, or/and a component of this website itself such that to improve the content available on this website or any other intentions by the maintainer of this website.


Copyright is important to creators like writers and artists as well as those such as publishers that own rights, as it provides them with a legal right of ownership of the work that they produce.

It is important to know that everything exists with the help of creators, and of course, the creators also want their rights on their creations. Adhering on licenses is very important for us as an end-user, to appreciate the hard work of the creators that they have put into their creations while also avoid us from legal issues.

You may have in-depth exploration about Copyright by going to the wikipedia page of it.